Once the order has been dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive a shipping confirmation email from us. Within the email, you will find the information on the item(s), their price, shipping costs and the tracking information with the link to track your order. Dispatches are done by our warehouse's carrier partners Hermes, FedEX, or DPD, and here are the links which you can use to follow the orders once the order is dispatched:
Hermes: http://track.omniparcel.com/
FedEX: https://fcbtracking.fedex.com/
DPD: https://www.dpd.com/nl/en/receiving/track/
Universal parcel tracking: https://parcelsapp.com/en
When the parcel arrives to your country, it’s usually handed over to the local carrier, and in most cases, you should be able to use their tracking on their sites and to follow the parcels.
If the email you received doesn’t contain the tracking number and the link, screenshot the email and attach it with your Fnatic Order ID, and send it to our customer service through the following email: shop@fnatic.com and we will check this out for you.